KSA News

Paid Online Survey Study opportunity for International Students - $10 Amazon Gift card

KSA 회장 서혜원
2022-03-01 15:29

Online Survey Study Opportunity for F-1 Seniors and Master's Students

YoungAh Park, Associate Professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations, is inviting International students to a paid online survey study. While many international students in the United States have limited access to resources and are facing challenges in career development, scholars have very limited knowledge about how international students plan for their job search and careers. This research project is to understand international students’ job search experiences and their career development. The insights from the current study will hold promise to inform future studies on career development for university undergraduate and graduate students and will be shared with ISSS to help guide future services.

To be eligible for participation, you must be 1) at least 18 years old, 2) currently enrolled in classes, 3) on an F-1 visa in the US (i.e., in the US for studying purpose), 4) currently in Senior standing in their undergraduate study or a master’s student, and 5) currently not holding any full-time or part-time jobs relevant to their major of study. This study consists of three surveys. People who completed three waves of surveys, they can get $10, in total via Amazon gift card. Further, upon completion of each survey, participants will be entered into a raffle of one out of 50, to get $15 amazon gift cards. Specifically, participants who completed Time 1 survey will be rewarded with a $2 gift card. In about a month, these participants will be invited to Time 2 survey (rewarded with a $3 gift card upon completion). Again, one month after, participants will be invited to Time 3 survey (rewarded with a $5 gift card).

If you are interested in participating in this survey, please click the link below. You will be directed to the consent form for this study, where you will find more detailed information.


This study has been approved by the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects at UIUC.